Teach Children Proper Names of Body Parts! #AAH


We cannot tell you how important this is, please listen to us very carefully! It may be the most important topic to keep your child physically safe when growing up!

When talking to kids we often use some very silly terms to describe private parts, genitals. It’s like pee pe, ju ju, we even stop them from mentioning the private parts. This creates the impression that these body parts are shameful, dirty, disgusting never ever to be spoken about.

Over a period of time child is even scared to mention their genitals as if they will get punished even for the reference! Then the child is so confused that if someone touches them inappropriately, they are scared to even mention to their parents. They feel as if they will be committing a big mistake or they have done something shameful.

When we leave out any body part or completely look down upon them, it teaches a child not to talk about them.
“Research shows that while 89% of children know the names for their non-genital body parts, only 10% know the correct names for genitalia. There is general consensus from clinicians that using the correct names enhances children’s body image, confidence, and openness. In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics supports teaching children the correct medical names, including penis, scrotum, testicles, vagina, vulva and breasts, even before they can speak, and to use opportunities around bathing, diapering, and potty time to mention these words. Kids who are taught the standard medical names are likely to be better protected and better able to avoid abuse or to talk about it, if it should happen.”

– https://www.enoughabuse.org/images/stories/Resources/Proper_Names_for_Private_Parts.pdf

Knowing the terminology may make children less vulnerable to sexual abuse; prospective offenders may understand that children who are comfortable with the right names for body parts are children whose parents are willing to discuss these subjects, and children who probably will have been told about the kinds of touching that are not O.K.
– And if something disturbing does happen, knowing the names can help a child get help. “Without proper terminology, children have a very hard time telling someone about inappropriate touching,” – https://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/31/well/family/teaching-children-the-real-names-for-body-parts.html
“It helps children develop a healthy, more positive body image, instead of using nicknames that their genitals are something shameful or bad,”

Not just abuse, child may face some toileting issues, pain in those areas, how are they supposed to communicate if you keep saying hawww each time you refer to the private areas. Children who know clearly about boundaries and names of these body parts are far more confident, assertive in ensuring nobody crosses their boundaries and talk to their parents more openly about any discomfort.

To recap-
Research shows that teaching children about personal safety:
o Reduces the likelihood of a child entering into an unsafe situation.
o Clearly demonstrates how to respond to an unsafe situation.
o Increases a child’s sense of confidence and in doing so increases their resiliency.
o Increases a child’s knowledge of their personal rights i.e. “I have the right to feel safe with people”.
o Increases the likelihood that the child will speak out if they feel unsafe and tell someone they trust.
o Can interrupt or prevent grooming.

Protecting Our Kids: Teaching Children About Personal Safety

Find your teachable moments and please keep your child safe.

Stay Aware, Stay Safe

Jai Hind, Jai Bharat!

PS- we have taken reference material from various reliable articles too.


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Email: TeamAkancha@gmail.com
Twitter: @AkanchaS

Instagram: @akanchas

‘Akancha Against Harassment’ is India’s largest social impact initiative against cyber harassment. It was founded by Miss Akancha Srivastava in February 2017. It’s a not-for-profit Section 8 organization.

Honorary Board of advisors
Foundation’s advisory board hosts – Former Special DGP RK Vij (Chattisgarh), ADG Navniet Sekera (Uttar Pradesh), ADG Krishna Prakash (Maharashtra), Dr Poonam Verma (Principal- SSCBS, Delhi University)

Goals of this initiative
The initiative aims at Education, Empowerment & Bridging of general population with the authorities.

Support of the Indian Police for the initiative
Bridging is the most unique attribute of the initiative. We have a host of over 70+ senior police officers from across the country supporting us in content & awareness drive.

This unique strength helps us address any victim complaints that come to us as well as inform people about various measures of law enforcement across the country.

Multilingual AI Chat helpline for cyber safety
We run India’s only private national multilingual AI chat helpline for cyber safety. This helpline is currently available in Hindi & English on our website. It can be accessed from any internet enabled device. You can chat here anonymously, fearlessly.