Partner with us- says, Akancha Srivastava (Founder- ‘Akancha Against Harassment’)


‘Akancha Against Harassment’ is India’s largest social impact initiative against cyber harassment. It was founded by Miss Akancha Srivastava in February 2017. Its a not for profit Section 8 organisation.

Akancha is now inviting team members from across the country to become a part of the movement. Currently the movement has reached over 100+ million people digitally. Initiative has conducted over 89 workshops & 167 FIRs have been filed via the helpline.

Call for team members!

In an effort to grow further, team members with diverse skillset are welcome. If yiou have an inclination to give back to the society & at the same time take on new challenges, this is indeed an exciting opportunity.

You can write blogs, become a cyber safety trainer, help organise events and so much more.

Listen to Akancha & send in an email at:

Age, city, background, language- no bar!. Come join us!



Our Honorary advisory board members have illustrious company of: Vijay Shekhar Sharma (Founder- Paytm), IG Navniet Sekera (Uttar Pradesh), IG Roopa Moudgil (Karnataka) & IG Krishna Prakash (Maharashtra), Ritesh Malik (Founder- Innov8), Princess Diya (MP- Rajsamand). We are glad to have their support for this important cause.

The initiative aims at Education, Empowerment & Bridging of general population with the authorities.

Goals of this initiative

To create educational awareness about cyber safety, the Foundation conducts workshops across the country in schools, colleges, tech universities, IITs, IIMs, teachers trainings, parents and more. Objective of these workshops is to educate mindful use of technology.

Its a pre emptive measure of making sure the probabilities of crime are reduced. It is also an effort to inspire everyone to give back to the country with their own skills. The initiative has appointed its ambassadors & champions across the country to take forward this education at schools, colleges.


The initiative has a panel of lawyers, legal experts & members of other NGOs that empower with law & processes. One of the big gaps in India is that often we are not aware of our rights. We aim to help with information that can empower you in any situation of cyber safety.

Support of Indian police for the initiative

Bridging is the most unique attribute of the initiative. We have a host of senior police officers from across the country supporting us in content & awareness drive.

We are also honoured to have IG Navniet Sekera (Uttar Pradesh), IG Roopa Moudgil (Karnataka) & IG Krishna Prakash (Maharashtra) on our advisory board. This unique strength helps us address any victim complaints that come to us as well as inform people about various measures of law enforcement across the country.

Multilingual AI Chat helpline for cyber safety

We run India’s only multilingual AI chat helpline for cyber safety. This helpline is currently available in Hindi & English on our website. It can be accessed from any internet enabled device. You can chat here anonymously, fearlessly.

We do not track ISPs unless you trigger an SOS to Akancha in any crisis situation.




Twitter: @AkanchaS

Instagram: @akanchas