Instant Gratification – Dark Side of Social Media!  #AAH

You get dressed well, do your hair, look lovely and post a picture, ofcourse you will get a 100 likes. You wait a few seconds & sadly you get just one or two like, how do you feel?? You feel a lack of validation, you feel less worthy of yourself.


You might even delete the picture convincing yourself that the timing of the post must be odd, may be you should post again on the weekend or so.


Now scenario two, you post your picture and immediately begin seeing those hearts flying on  the post. Oh man, that dopamine hit. Scrolling from one post to another, immediately moving past a video you don’t like in the first 5 seconds- instant gratification! Endless scrolls of new content, colors, likes, hearts, comments, so many platforms to choose from= INSTANT GRATIFICATION! We have become dopamine junkies!


We want things now, to our absolute liking in 2 seconds, impatience, irritation, frustration at being denied that. Attachment to these likes, addiction to tech devices, sleep loss, missing health routines, no real life friends, loneliness, comparison to strangers, depression- I can go on but you get the drift!


Another example is if someone doesn’t respond to your WhatsApp message or Instagram story immediately. It makes you agitated, we don’t even consider that the other person could be busy. No, we want an instant response! Social media sets up unrealistic expectations for relationships, leading people to experience loneliness and discontent. It triggers anxiety, insecurity, doubts.


Social media platforms weren’t designed with the wellbeing of their users in mind—they were designed to be addictive. Creators want you to spend as much time on their platforms as possible to generate ad revenue, and they psychologically manipulate their users to do so.


“However, while instant gratification can provide short-term happiness and enjoyment, it can also lead to negative effects in the long run. The constant need for instant gratification can lead to a decreased attention span, making it difficult for users to focus on anything for an extended period of time. This can lead to feelings of boredom and restlessness, making it difficult for people to stay engaged and productive in their daily lives.

Furthermore, instant gratification on social media can also contribute to feelings of low self-esteem and a distorted sense of self-worth. This is because people often compare themselves to others on social media, looking at posts featuring people with perfect lives, perfect bodies, and perfect relationships. This comparison can lead to feelings of inadequacy, which can harm mental health and well-being.

Additionally, instant gratification on social media can also lead to a sense of FOMO (fear of missing out), as people are constantly exposed to posts about others’ experiences and activities. This can lead to feelings of frustration, as people may feel like they are missing out on things that others are enjoying.


Tips to protect mental health

  1. Set limits: Determine a specific amount of time to spend on social media each day and stick to it.
  2. Take breaks: Take regular breaks from social media to give your mind a rest and engage in other activities.
  3. Focus on real-life connections: Prioritize in-person interactions and experiences over virtual ones.
  4. Avoid comparing yourself to others: Remember that social media often presents a curated and idealized version of people’s lives.
  5. Be intentional with your usage: Use social media in a way that adds value to your life and aligns with your values and goals.
  6. Practice gratitude: Shift your focus to what you have in your life, rather than what you lack.
  7. Engage in self-reflection: Regularly reflect on your relationship with social media and evaluate if it is serving you in a positive way.”


Additionally I would recommend taking care of your physical health. If not anything else, go for a short walk, climb up stairs, read a book, yoga, run anything that you like, Create no tech zones/time with family. For example, let 6- 9. Pm be family time, dinner or breakfast times where nobody uses phone. Read books together, paint, take a walk in the garden together.



Take care of your mental health.


Stay Aware, Stay Safe


Jai Hind, Jai Bharat!







Twitter: @AkanchaS

Instagram: @akanchas






‘Akancha Against Harassment’ is India’s largest social impact initiative against cyber harassment. It was founded by Miss Akancha Srivastava in February 2017. It’s a not-for-profit Section 8 organization.

Honorary Board of advisors

Foundation’s advisory board hosts – Former Special DGP RK Vij (Chattisgarh), ADG Navniet Sekera (Uttar Pradesh), ADG Krishna Prakash (Maharashtra), Dr Poonam Verma (Principal- SSCBS, Delhi University)

Goals of this initiative

The initiative aims at Education, Empowerment & Bridging of general population with the authorities.

Support of the Indian Police for the initiative

Bridging is the most unique attribute of the initiative. We have a host of over 70+ senior police officers from across the country supporting us in content & awareness drive.

This unique strength helps us address any victim complaints that come to us as well as inform people about various measures of law enforcement across the country.

Multilingual AI Chat helpline for cyber safety

We run India’s only private national multilingual AI chat helpline for cyber safety. This helpline is currently available in Hindi & English on our website. It can be accessed from any internet enabled device. You can chat here anonymously, fearlessly.