Akancha Srivastava debates on CNBC Awaz about Hyderabad encounters

In this debate Akancha Srivastava, Founder & Director of this Foundation, argues that encounters do no deliver justice! She insists that the is.a slap on the face of criminal justice system.


Critical reforms are required

Akancha explains how fast track courts, stricter punishments and making case studies of harsh sentences are the need of the hour. Encounters will only lead to more chaos and extra judicial killings.


Scientific investigations

Akancha also said on CNBC Awaz debate that there should be scientific investigations, more forensic labs & proven charge sheets. Giving justice is job of the judiciary. Our police are to assassins insists Akancha.


Link to the original debate is here- http://bit.ly/AAHCNBC

Akancha Speaks at counter of 21:10


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